$44.00 CAD

Due to the nature of this digital product, no refunds will be issued.

If you have any pre-diagnosed conditions, are pregnant/breastfeeding, or have a history of eating disorders, please speak with your healthcare provider first.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach out to me directly at [email protected]

Happy cleansing!

Kitchari Cleanse

3 to 10 day Ayurvedic cleanse.

What you'll receive:

  • Dosha assessment quiz to discover your Dosha (Prakriti and Vikruti). 
  • Kitchari Kitchen Lab - fully guided walk-through video + menu, grocery list and tips for staying well during this cleanse.
  • Dosha-aligned Yoga Classes, guided by Amy to bring your body and mind into balance.
  • Learn to balance your Dosha even when you're not cleansing through invaluable lessons on Ayurveda, plant-based nutrition, pre and post-cleansing, and more.
  • BONUS training on Holistic Cleansing so you know exactly how to sustain the results of this cleanse, long-term. 

Investment will increase to $88

This Kitchari Cleanse is vegan, delicious, safe, and powerful. Though you will not be taking any supplements - everything comes from nutritious, whole foods - I recommend speaking with your healthcare practitioner before embarking on any cleanse if you have any pre-diagnosed conditions, are pregnant/breast feeding, or have a history of eating disorders.